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Author Guidelines



1. The Journal publishes original articles prepared by researchers with the results of their accomplished research studies in multidisciplinary (social, technological, biomedical, physical and the humanities) scientific fields. The primary field is Social Sciences.
2. Articles must be in English, written in a scientific style, and comply with the Ethics Policy of the Journal. Official registration of articles must comply with the regulations of section II.
3. Submission order:
3.1. There is no time limit for submitting articles. For an article to be published in the current calendar year, it must be submitted no later than November 15th of the current year;
3.2. Author (or authors) of the article shall fill letter of guarantee on article publication in the Journal (Appendix 1) and uploads electronic file to article submission system using link provided on publication internet website
3.3. To ensure the quality of publications, articles are reviewed by scientist corresponding to the scientific field (corresponding field (field group) appointed by the Editorial Board. Editorial Board keeps reviewers conclusions for two years from the article publication or rejection. Reviewers are appointed confidentially and evaluate article compliance to general requirements according the acknowledged form (Appendix 2). The review procedure is executed using the double-blind method. The review is completed on the website of the publication, when the reviewer login on the Journal management and publication electronic system.
4. In the Journal only articles selected and reviewed by Editorial Board are published.
5. The article is not published if:
5.1. Is submitted not following scientific article structure and requirements;
5.2. Does not comply with the Journal publication ethics policy;
5.3. The reviewer (s) presents negative conclusions about the content or lack of preparation quality.


6. The volume of the article comprises to 8 (eight) A4 format pages. Text format is OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF, Font is Times New Roman (Baltic). The material has to be modelled in one column, one interval and with the following margins: top – 2cm, bottom – 2cm, left – 3cm, right – 1cm. Paragraphs have to be started with an indent of 1,5 cm.
7. Compulsory structure of the article:
7.1. Title of the article;
7.2. Article author (authors) name, surname (names, surnames);
7.3. Institution presented by article author;
7.4. Abstract. The abstract is a brief summary of the article content. The abstract needs to be dense within information. Only the four or five the most important concepts, findings, or implications include in the abstract. The abstract should state briefly the purpose of the research, the methods, the principal results and major conclusions. The abstract word limit is 150 - 200 words;
7.5. Key words. Provide 3 – 5 keywords separated by semicolons. Keywords can also consist of word combinations;
7.6. Introduction. Introduction explores importance of problem, describes relevant scholarship, states hypotheses and their correspondence to research design, and by summarizing the relevant arguments and the past evidence, gives the reader a firm sense of what was done and why. This part reveals research relevance and originality from the scientific and practical view, here questions describing research problem are formulated, scientific problem research level is discussed. Please note that the research level of scientific problem must be based on internationally recognized and cited scientific and scholarly research literature (scientific publications indexed international databases with citation index (IF CA JCR and / or SNIP SCOPUS));
7.7. Main text. The main text must be to divide into separate parts: THE RESEARCH METHOD, and THE RESULTS/DISCUSSION. THE RESEARCH METHODS section (or sections: e.g., Participants, Materials, Procedure) should contain a clear and concise description and, when needed, justification of the conditions and procedures of the study, as well as the analytical tools or methodology used. All excluded observations, independent variables/manipulations, and dependent variables/measures must be reported, and authors should be sure to explain how the sample size was determined. The analysis must be based on internationally recognized and cited scholarly research literature (scientific publications indexed in international databases with citation index (IF CA JCR and / or SNIP SCOPUS)). In the RESULTS/DISCUSION section, summarize the collected data and the analysis performed on those data relevant to the discourse that is to follow. The methods used must support their analytic burdens, including robustness to violations of the assumptions that underlie them, and they must provide clear, unequivocal insights into the data. Assume that your reader has a professional knowledge of statistical methods. Discussion should explore the significance of the results, but do not repeat them;
7.8. Conclusions. The function of conclusions is to summarize the content and purpose of the article. The conclusions are not simply a repetitive summary of the findings. The conclusions are a place to persuasively and succinctly restate research problem, given that the reader has now been presented with all the information about the topic;
7.9. References. References acknowledge the article of previous scholars and provide a reliable way to locate it. References are used to document statements made about the literature, just as data in the article support interpretations and conclusions. The references cited in the article should be sufficient to support the need for research and to ensure that readers can place it in the context of previous research and theorizing. Please note that most of the references must be internationally recognized and indexed international databases with citation index (IF CA JCR and / or SNIP SCOPUS). The references must be in Roman script. The references must be presented in alphabetical order. Please note that all references listed here must be directly cited in the body of the text. The references should be formatted in APA style,;
7.10. Information about the author (name, surname, institution, scientific interest fields, e-mail) in English.
8. Font size and designs:
Title (name) (capital letters): Centre, 14 pt, BOLD-FACED;
Author: Centre, 10 pt, Bold-faced, italic;
Organization: Centre, 10 pt, Italic;
Abstract title: On both sides, 10 pt, Bold-faced;
Abstract text: On both sides, 10 pt, Regular;
Keywords title: On both sides, 10 pt, Bold-faced;
Keywords: On both sides, 10 pt, Regular;
Main text: On both sides, 11 pt, Regular;
Main text chapter names: Centre, 12 pt, BOLD-FACED;
Table texts: Left side, 10 pt, Regular;
Numbers in table: According to the decimal point location, 10 pt, Regular;
Table and Picture names: Centre, 10 pt, Bold-faced;
References: Left side, 11 pt, Regular;
Information about author(s): On both sides, 10 pt, Regular.
9. Illustrations and tables are presented as follows:
9.2 Diagrams, graphs, schemes are named pictures (abbreviated „pict.“).
9.3 Every picture has its own number and title (name), which is written centred under the picture. The number is not bolded. Pictures must be informative and plain (not colored).
9.4 Tables in articles have their current number. The number is written on the top of the right side, it is not bolded (e.g. Table – 1). The name of the table is written in the centre bellow the number of the table.
9.5. Requirements for diagrams:
9.5.1. Columns or sectors colors must be chosen in the way for grayscale copy to stay informative (optimal – gray tones of different contrast or light shading effects). For linear diagrams different symbols may be used (e.g. , ,).
9.5.2. For informative purposes in sectorial diagrams legend is not used, near each sector name of the sector is given. In column and linear diagrams Y (in 3d –Z) axis names are given and units of measurement;
9.5.3. In electronic article document diagrams are inserted as spreadsheet objects (command “Paste picture” not used).

Submission order of the articles of the Journal.
The template of a manuscript.

Mokslinio žurnalo „Taikomieji tyrimai studijose ir praktikoje“ straipsnių pateikimo tvarka

Teikiamos publikacijos turi būti parengtos ir pateiktos vadovaujantis patvirtinta mokslinio leidinio "Taikomieji tyrimai studijose ir praktikoje" straipsnių pateikimo tvarka. Straipsniui parengti turi būti naudojamas šablonas. Straipsnio šablonas.

Statement of Publication Ethics

Please read the Statement of Publication Ethics in Journal Policy.


Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • The author(s) agree to the Journal Copyright and Publication Ethics Policy (presented in the Journal Policy).




1. The Journal publishes original articles prepared by esearchers with the results of their accomplished research studies in biomedical, physical, the humanities, social and technological scientific fields.

2. Articles may be submitted in the Lithuanian, English or Russian languages, written in the scientific language style. Official registration of articles must comply with the regulations of section II.

3. Submission order:

3.1.The articles may be submitted twice per year: until March 15 and November 15 and additionally in other term defined by editorial board.

3.2. Author (or authors) of the article shall fill letter of guarantee on article publication in Panevėžys College periodical scientific publication and uploads electronic file to article submission system using link provided on publication internet website

3.3. To ensure the quality of publications, articles are reviewed by scientist corresponding to the scientific field (corresponding field (field group) appointed by the Editorial Board. Editorial Board keeps reviewers conclusions for two years from the article publication or rejection. Reviewers are appointed confidentially and evaluate article compliance to general requirements according the acknowledged form.

4. In the periodical scientific publication only articles selected and reviewed by Editorial Board are published.

5. The article is not published if:

5.1. Is submitted not following scientific article structure and requirements;

5.2. The reviewer (s) presents negative conclusions about the content or lack of preparation quality.


6. The volume of the article comprises to 8 (eight) A4 format pages. Text editor is Microsoft Word, Font is Times New Roman (Baltic). The material has to be modelled in one column, one interval and with the following margins: top – 2cm, bottom – 2cm, left – 3cm, right – 1cm. Paragraphs have to be started with an indent of 1,5 cm.

7. Compulsory structure of the article:

7.1. Title of the article;

7.2. Article author (authors) name, surname (names, surnames);

7.3. Institution presented by article author;

7.4. Annotation presenting research goal, problem, short results (no more than 500 print signs);

7.5. Key words (3 – 5);

7.6.Introduction (relevance and novelty of the research from the scientific and practical perspective; formulated research probleb defining questions, discussed level of scientific problem exploration, research goal presented; tasks; object; methods).

7.7. Main text presenting theoretical problem (review of scientific literature), research methodology, results and their analysis;

7.8. Literature list;

6.9. Abstract in the English language (5000 – 6000 print signs). In the beginning of the abstract title of the article presented in English language. Abstract shall completely reflect scientific problem rised in the article; goal, content and conclusions.

6.10 Information about the author (name, surname, institution, scientific interest fields, e-mail) in the Lithuanian and English languages.

7. Font size and designs:

Title (name) (capital letters): Centre, 14 pt, BOLD-FACED;
Author: Centre, 10 pt, Bold-faced, italic;
Organization: Centre, 10 pt, Italic;
Annotation title: On both sides, 10 pt, Bold-faced;
Annotation (article) language: On both sides, 10 pt, Regular;
Key words title: On both sides, 10 pt, Bold-faced;
Key words: On both sides, 10 pt, Regular;
Main text: On both sides, 11 pt, Regular;
Main text chapter names: Centre, 12 pt, BOLD-FACED;
Table texts: Left side, 10 pt, Regular;
Numbers in table: According to the decimal point location, 10 pt, Regular;
Table and Picture names: Centre, 10 pt, Bold-faced;
Literature list: Left side, 10 pt, Regular;
Abstract in English: On both sides, 10 pt, Regular;
Information about authors: On both sides, 10 pt, Regular.

8. Illustrations and tables are presented as follows:

8.2 Diagrams, graphs, schemes are named pictures (abbreviated „pict.“).

8.3 Every picture has its own number and title (name), which is written centred under the picture. The number is not bolded. Pictures must be informative and plain (not colored).

8.4 Tables in articles have their current number. The number is written on the top of the right side, it is not bolded (e.g. Table 1). The name of the table is written in the centre bellow the number of the table.

8.5. Requirements for diagrams:

8.5.1. Columns or sectors colors must be chosen in the way for grayscale copy to stay informative (optimal – gray tones of different contrast or light shading effects). For linear diagrams different symbols may be used (e.g. •, ·, °).

8.5.2. For informative purposes in sectorial diagrams legend is not used, near each sector name of the sector is given. In column and linear diagrams Y (in 3d –Z) axis names are given and units of measurement;

8.5.3. In electronic article document diagrams are inserted as spreadsheet objects (command “Paste picture” not used).

9. Literature list and references. Bibliographic references are presented following LST ISO 690:2010 (Information and documentation. Guidelines for the preparation of bibliographic references (same as ISO 690:2010)). References to literature sources presented using APA citation style.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.